Course Outline

Basic concepts

  • Key concepts used for a good understanding of OpenESB
  • IT Teams constrains  
  • Intermediation principles
  • Bus Architecture
  • Contract of services
  • Encapsulation et Integration
  • Strong and weak coupling
  • Orchestration
  • CAP theorem

Netbeans and Glassfish Introduction

  • Netbeans introduction and first exercises
  • Web services creation et Java implementation

JBI Introduction

  • Bus architecture advantages Components and orchestration
  • JBI Architecture
  • Message
  • NMR
  • Service Engine
  • Binding component
  • JBI management
  • Service unit
  • Service Assembly

XML Schemas and WSDL

  • Basics and advanced concepts used during OpenESB developments
  • WSDL abstract part
  • WSDL concrete part
  • WSDL extension
  • Partner Links Type
  • Partner Link
  • Role

BPEL Basic concepts

  • OpenESB BPEL engine at a glance
  • Principles
  • Activities
  • Mapper
  • Graphical editor

BPEL advanced concepts

  • This chapter covers in detail BPEL activities 
  • Basic Activities
  • Structured Activities
  • BPEL proprieties
  • Compensation

Legacy integration with OpenESB

  • Integration architecture with OpenESB
  • Design and Use cases
  • Mainframe and Legacy systems


  • 50% of the time will be dedicated to practical works


You have already developed software applications; and you know something about XML schema and XSLT technologies. No Java knowledge is required.

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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