Course Outline

What is Strategic Management?

  • What are the Vision, values, mission statement for your organisation?
  • Role Clarity: what can you contribute?
  • A fresh look at Strategy and Competitive Advantage

Strategic Tools and a Strategic Planning Framework

  • A SWOT analysis for your company / department

Financial Performance

  • Understanding Key Financial Statements

Management Styles v Organisational Climate

  • Management v Leadership
  • What Management Styles are available to be used? How should they be used?
  • What are the various Organisational Climate Factors? How should they be instilled?
  • How to merge Management Styles with Organisational Climate

Successful Change Management

  • Understanding and using the key Change Management Principles

Creating High-Performing Teams

  • The crucial importance of the stages of Team Development in creating High-Performing Teams
 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (3)

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